This is a test piece, WordPress is the worst page design package I have used since Ventura Publisher kicked this off in the 80’s. Barely usable, utterly opaque. There is a massive opportunity to create a website design package usable by people who can navigate DWP software and following the metaphors of Mac and PC Desktop UI’s, instead of the barely comprehensible WordPress.

The acronym above is also the key to scientific reality. If the observations don’t support the scientific assertions AKA theories, then the theory is wrong. And all the people who support the consensus are wrong.

The tendency in 21st Century sciences, populated with ever less able middle class “scientists” keen to avoid the world of real work where you measurable success determines your job security, is to publish socially friendly theories you want to people to believe, creating supporting pseudo science using totally or partially fabricated models whose data, or even a lack of it, is forced by arbitrary adjustments to prove the theory the creators are receiving a grant to support. This is easily done using statistical methods to distort the data to prove the lie, as Mann’s Hokey Stick methods famously did. Climate science is such a science. Statistical models the tool.

It’s science Captain, but not as we know it. And the observational data disproves it, yet it continues, zombie science like, as if real and proven. This is not”the science”. It’s a deliberate deceit to attack the fundamental underpinning of modern civilisation by extremists, the use of cheap plentiful energy that empowers modern civilisation.

The idea of proving an activist’s theory wrong, the very essence of deterministic scientific proof, never enters their heads, because that is not what they are paid for. It’s much easier to just say what you believe is proven, because the model says so, so it must be, rather than check all the ways it could be wrong. Especially not with actual observations.

The scientific act of validation itself is seen as a denial of the belief systems of these so called “scientists”, an attack on the beliefs of their institutions and peer groups. So their science has little to do with provable deterministic science, and is mostly to do with creating pseudo science beliefs for profit. 21st Century consensual science, created using statistics to manipulate data to prove whar the grant is for, imposed by threats on the working commuity, and unable to prove itself, which is why it can only ever be a consensus, because, as Feynman observed, “you cannot prove a vague theory wrong”.

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