Work in Progress. Please do check the facts I present using public reference sources and suggest corrections of fact or provable science. I do make statements of fact but without references, graphs usually have their source marked. This not a scientific paper, but is derived directly from them.
The whole basis of those asserting a climate emergency is the assertion that human influence, mainly by CO2 emissions from energy generation for transport, electricity generation, heating and industry is causing unnatural and extreme long term climate change, that will become irreversible. Hence all these things must be stopped, and a return to “renewable” energy that powered feudal society, together with human and animal labour enforced, that will thus stop the claimed problem by reversing the use of energy in society. I propose to deal with these statements one at a time. First the primary justification, the science of what is actually observable, or has been observed. Is this claimed problem real?
1. Current Climate Change vs. Interglacial Records

Above is the well known GISP2 ice core data for the current short and warm interglacial period between the much longer glacial phases of our current 100,ooo year (100Ka) series of ice ages. These end at 1850 as the data is considered less reliable after that, due to the method of dating the proxy data from the ice cores. To the 1850 number I have added the 0.84 Deg of warming that is agreed to be the global amount since then, based on a 30 year average. How global climate is measured.
nb: Note that this should really be more, as the global anomaly is also an average, more at the Poles than the equator.
Also regional annual variations are much larger, 40 degrees pa is normal in zones, and annual temperatures go down in some parts of the world and up in others. Your weather is not our global climate. The first thing that is self evident from the record is the the average temperature varies regularly, on a cycle of about c.1,ooo year, with a range of c.2 degrees. This is ipso fact natural and not part of any AGW. Next, we are very likely to be at the end of a natural warming phase of a cycle at around the maximum, following the last peak warming of the Mediaeval Warm Period (MWP) around 1,000AD, at a similar temperature level. Both these peaks are well below earlier warm period peaks.
Recent academic studies of the MWP suggest it was actually warmer than now, and also the rate of warming was faster. Historic accounts of farming on Greenland mean this reality was observed and recorded by the inhabitants of affected areas.The human record of the farming activity and archeological support for the farming of Greenland in the MWP makes the error in the recent 0.84 deg estimate from the ad NASA adjusted data more likely to be wrong, not the observations of Vikings or archeologists.
I am testing comments again….