In the debate regarding climate the second law of thermodynamics is often quoted but rarely explained. For a starter lesson watch Flanders and Swan sing the basics. But these are rules. Not the understanding of them. The problem is understanding the nature of energy which is in reality a flux over a time. Energy only …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Earth’s Energy Balance
On Scale: Humans vs Nature
There are many things I would like to write regarding the relativities of scale with respect to both energy and climate science, including the scale of our energy use versus what renewables can actually deliver, and the stark realities of energy density of renewable enrgy sources and their intermittency, that must unavoidably prevent any attempt …
Population and Sustainability
The truth science knows and the lies they tell NB: A Work in Progress This blog is to share simple facts based reality, defined as what the data and science gathered to test that reality says, regarding population and the resources available to support it. Such a simple approach to testing the reality exposes the …
This is The Age of Humans – Now We Know How Nature Works We Must Use Our Unique Abilities to Survive and Prosper Within It, Not Hide From It
This is the starting point for the below, Feynman being prescient again, but a masterclass. POINT: We know what to do and have come close to understanding much of nature in the last 200 years. In particular the last 20 years when most of the pseudo science of the Agenda 21 movement has been proven …
Climate Change Realists are Having the Wrong Argument
I would like to make very deterministic science point re climate – and energy if I can do it fast and hard enough. My point is simple. We now know the facts that science did not when all this presumptive science was asserted by those paid for it by Maurice Strong at the UN IPCC …
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Science Fact – Observed climate change is neither Unnatural nor Extreme
Work in Progress. Please do check the facts I present using public reference sources and suggest corrections of fact or provable science. I do make statements of fact but without references, graphs usually have their source marked. This not a scientific paper, but is derived directly from them. The whole basis of those asserting a …
Continue reading “Science Fact – Observed climate change is neither Unnatural nor Extreme”
This is a test piece, WordPress is the worst page design package I have used since Ventura Publisher kicked this off in the 80’s. Barely usable, utterly opaque. There is a massive opportunity to create a website design package usable by people who can navigate DWP software and following the metaphors of Mac and PC …
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